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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-12-09 06:31:51浏览:22分类:美食推荐

How to be an Excellent High School Student

Being an excellent high school student is not only about getting good grades, but also about developing important skills and qualities that will benefit you in the future. Here are some tips on how to become an excellent high school student:

1. Set goals: Setting clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated throughout your high school career. Write down your short-term and long-term goals and create a plan to achieve them.

2. Manage your time: High school can be overwhelming with classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and social life. Learning to manage your time effectively will help you stay on top of everything.

3. Stay organized: Keeping your notes, assignments, and schedule organized will save you time and reduce stress.

4. Attend classes regularly: Attending classes regularly will help you stay on track and understand the material better.

5. Participate in class: Participating in class shows your teacher that you are interested and engaged in learning. It also helps you understand the material better.

6. Ask for help: Don't be afraid to ask your teachers or peers for help if you need it. It shows that you are taking responsibility for your learning and want to improve.

7. Develop good study habits: Developing good study habits, such as reviewing notes daily, completing assignments on time, and studying in a quiet environment, will help you succeed academically.

8. Get involved in extracurricular activities: Joining clubs, sports teams, or volunteering in your community can help you develop leadership skills, make new friends, and build your resume for college.

9. Take care of yourself: Taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly will help you stay healthy and focused.


Becoming an excellent high school student requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn. By following these tips, you can achieve your goals and succeed academically and personally.



1. 设定目标:设定明确的目标将帮助你在高中期间保持专注和动力。写下你的短期和长期目标,并制定实现它们的计划。

2. 管理时间:高中可以让人感到压倒性,有课程、作业、课外活动和社交生活。学会有效地管理时间将帮助你掌控一切。

3. 保持组织:保持你的笔记、作业和日程安排组织良好,将节省你的时间并减少压力。

4. 经常上课:经常上课将帮助你保持在正确的轨道上,并更好地理解材料。

5. 积极参与课堂:参与课堂表明你对学习感兴趣和投入。它也有助于你更好地理解材料。

6. 寻求帮助:如果需要,不要害怕向老师或同学寻求帮助。这表明你正在为自己的学习负责并想要提高。

7. 培养良好的学习习惯:培养良好的学习习惯,如每天复习笔记、按时完成作业和在安静的环境中学有助于你在学术上取得成功。

8. 参与课外活动:参加俱乐部、运动队或在社区做志愿者可以帮助你发展领导技能、结交新朋友并建立大学简历。

9. 照顾自己:通过充足的睡眠、良好的饮食和定期锻炼来照顾自己将帮助你保持健康和专注。


以what should we do at school为题对学生在学校怎么做写一篇六十词左右的





in our school, we should study. As we all know, school is the place for our students to study. we also should doing exerciese in our school. being healthy is good for our study. In addition, we should play some games, such as play basketball, football, and badminton and so on. This games have great influences on our study and our growth.

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