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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-12-12 20:23:28浏览:14分类:美食推荐




问题一:啧啧,怎么用英语翻译 Tut-tut,在百度翻译中翻译的!你可以去试试!

问题二:用英语怎么说啧啧,好洋气的说法 可以去洛基英语查看,有很多类似的资料,一定能帮到你。

问题三:如何用英文表达“啧啧啧”的声音 tsk tsk tsk

问题四:用英文翻译 In a large forest, lived many black crows. They fly like flocks of ghosts, and their voice is particularly loud,in a special offensive and hoarse-like way. Thereofore, in the forest animals hate them very much.

One day, the crow mother bears a group of baby crows, among which there should be one white crow, white and beautiful, like the princess Snow White,Her singing is also very beautiful.

That the black crow has one white crow, immediately turned into a piece of news, and everyone rushes to see white crow, and they praises the good beauty of the white crow. However, the other little black crows are very jealous, and they deliberately left out white crow in the cold. Nobody talked with her, and even some scold it and hit it.

White crow is sad and then plains to her mother, but, her mother mother doesn't like it either, because , her mother also felt unhappyi with its beauty.

White crow has to play with other birds . They form a female voice groop and perform everywhere in the forest. Since the crow sings very nicely, they are invited even onto the Spring Festival gala organized by the forest TV station, thus she becaming a famous actor.

White crow buys many gifts for her father, mother, brothers and sisters , but, the black crows are not happy with it still. What's worse, they e out with a secret, in order to harm the white crow. They have the white crow a poisonous bean and then the white crow is poisoned to death.

All other animals in the f......>>

问题五:下面的话用英语怎么说 70分 下面的话用英语怎么说



The meaning of learning English

Informatization of social life and economic globalization give increasing prominence to English. As one of the most important information carriers, English has bee the most widely used language in all areas of human life. In the basic education development strategy, Many countries treats English education as an important part of the education of citizen quality, and put it in a prominent position. As China gradually steps into the internationalization, using English also bees more and more widely, and now English is used in many places in our daily life. it is the global universal language, just like a Chinese speaks Mandarin.

问题六:英语用中文谐音翻译 这是个功夫活 一定要加分哦 先做个记号

I don't care. 我不在乎。 哀 冬特 凯尔

None of my business. 不关我事。 娜恩 啊呜 买 比贼你死

It doesn't work. 不管用。 伊特 大怎特 沃克

Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。冬特 该特 密 如昂

You bet! 一定,当然! 由 拜特

It's up to you. 由你决定。以此 阿破 吐 又

My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。买汉子 啊 富欧 如爱特 闹

Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗? 看 又 的哥 伊特

I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。 爱慕 额福瑞德 爱 坎特

How big of you! 你真棒! 好 比格 额驸 又

Poor thing! 真可怜! 破杏

How about eating out? 外面吃饭怎样? 好额鲍特 一听 奥特

Don't over do it. 别太过分了。 冬特 偶我 度伊特

What if I go for you? 我替你去怎么样? 沃特 衣服 爱 够否又

Who wants? 谁稀罕? 胡忘词

没搞完呢 后面这哥们发上来了 善始善终吧 你双向参考着更好 不过还是把英语发音学好吧 统共就那么些发音 用汉字表音怎么也是多数不太准确的

Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。 否楼买侬子

Cheap skate! 小气鬼!吃扑死√

e seat here. 来这边坐。 康姆斯特黑尔

Your are wele. 你太客气了。 又啊外偶康姆

I'm going to go. 我这就去。爱么够硬吐够

Never mind. 不要紧。 乃我卖因的

Why are you so sure? 怎么这样肯定? 外啊又馊硕儿

When are you leaving? 你什么时候走? 问啊又里wing

Is that so? 是这样吗? 义子咋特馊

e seat here. 来这边坐。 康姆斯特黑尔(这个重复了哦)

Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。 地呢儿 椅子 昂秘

You ask for it! 活该! 又 阿斯科否伊特

You don't say! 真想不到! 又 冬特sei

Get out of here! 滚出去! 盖特奥特啊呜黑尔

How e… 怎么回事,怎么搞的。 好康姆....

Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。 冬特满身伊特

It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起! 伊特椅子闹特额比格地欧

thousand times no! 绝对办不到!骚怎特太慕子闹

Who knows! 天晓得! 胡no子

Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。 害屋额古德额驸伊特

Don't let me down. 别让我失望。冬特莱特秘当

It is urgent. 有急事。 伊特椅子额怎特

Can I have this. 可以给我这个吗? 看爱害屋贼死

It is a *** all world! 世界真是小!伊特椅子额死猫卧的

Not at all. 根本就不(用)。闹特安特奥 连读的话是 闹太套

Wait and see. 等着瞧。维特按的席 最后这个“席” 发音应该是死姨


问题七:英语的语气词 呃,啊等等都有哪些词表示 Ah [:]表痛苦、欢乐、懊悔、憎恨、厌恶、惊讶、遗憾、蔑视等

Aha [:'h:]表满意、快乐、胜利、得意、惊讶等;常含有冷嘲热讽或愚弄意

1. Aha! That's it. Now I know what to do. 啊哈!就是这样。现在我知道该怎么做了!

2. Aha, so there you are! 啊哈,原来你在这里。

Ahem [?'hem] 咳嗽声,唤起注意, 或表示怀疑

Ahem, I wonder if I can raise this problem with you now. 呃哼,我现在能否向您提及这问题。

Bah! [ b: ] 轻蔑,厌恶

Bah! You've wasted my time. Goodbye. 呸!你在浪费我的时间,再见。

Blah [bla:] 反复地说,什么什么的

1. All she does is go blah-blah-blah all night, but she never saysanything worth remembering the next morning. 她整夜说个不停,但没有一句值得记到第二天早上的话。

2. You have to listen to Charles talk about how bad the Rockets are and that itneeds to be T-Mac's team, blah blah blah. 你必须听着巴克力说火箭有多么糟糕,还有这应该是麦迪一个人的球队,什么什么的。

Brrr [br-r-r] 表领悟或冷颤

Brrr! It's already March, but it's so cold today! I can't stand it. 呜!都已经三月了,今天还这么冷!真受不了。

Eek [i:k] 表害怕

Eek! His eyes are wide open! But he's fast asleep! 学徒:咦!他的眼睛睁得大大的!但睡得正香呢!

Umm [?m] 表示犹豫或不确定

Umm, I’m not sure about that. You'd better go ask John.

Haw-haw ['h?:'h?:] int. 哈哈大笑

My head almost dropped from my neck in such a shaking car,haw haw!


Hey 表惊奇,喜悦,疑问,或唤起注意

1. Hey! What's up? 嗨! 最近怎么样?

2. Hey? Was that really you?


Hmm, maybe I'll check it out. 嗯,也许我需要去看看。

Ho(a)! [ h?u ] 表惊奇,满足,喜悦或唤起注意

Huh [h?] 表轻蔑、疑问或惊异等

What does that tells you, huh? 那告诉你什么,你说呢?

Huh? = Pardon?

Ho [h?u] 引人注意, 表示惊讶, 满足

La [l?:] 哎呀,看哪,呀! 吃惊或加强语气时用

She always ......>>

问题八:译音 爸的啧啧 是哪首英文歌 不如承诺来的简单 - 陈奕迅



也许你 还没忘记



你说你 努力忘记




爱 简单 是相信太难

相信太难 不如承诺来得简单


请相信 我没忘记


初夏 天晴

在心里 还下着雨



爱 简单 是相信太难

相信太难 不如承诺来得简单

爱 简单 是相遇太难

相遇太难 总有一天学会承担


不问你 醒在那里

反正已经 刻骨的回忆

怕了 也许

问题九:请问我日这个词语用英语怎么说和怎么读,谢谢 楼下都错了,楼主问的是 我日,而你们答的是 ***

*** 在英语中是非常直接的脏话,就和“操”一样直接。


就不能直接翻译成 *** 了。


“damn it”呆木,意特



“what's the hell”沃啧 海哟



鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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