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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2024-02-20 15:59:56浏览:22分类:教育知识

1. 《郑人买履》英文版

Buying shoes

A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He measured his foot and put the measurement on a chair. 从前,郑国有个人想买双鞋。他量好了自己脚的尺码,把它放在了椅子上。

When he set out for the market he fot to bring it along. It was after he had found the pair he wanted that this occurred to him.


I fot the measurement, said he.


He went home to get it but when he returned the market had broken up and he did not get his shoes after all.

他回家去取量好的尺码。 等他赶回来时,市集已经关了,他还是没能买到鞋。

Why didn't you try on the shoes with your feet?


He was asked.

I 'd rather trust the measurement than trust myself. (《Hanfeizi》)

他说:"我宁愿相信尺码也不相信我自己的脚。" (《韩非子》)



2. 郑人买履怎么扩写译文








3. 郑人买履中英文对照翻译




人曰:“何不试之以足? ”曰:“宁信度,无自信也。”Zheng people have to buy the first shoe, the foot, and since degrees by its sit. To the city and fet the ones. Already have, but yue: "Odyssey." my fet the degrees Reverse to take. And reverse, city, and not let go round. People yue: "why not try with foot?" yue: "rather reliability, no confidence also." 要现代文翻译还是文言文翻译啊。

4. 将成语 郑人买履 译为英文小故事



英文翻译:ZhengGuoYou a want to buy shoes. He first at home with rope is the size of your feet, put in his size of good seat. He went to the market, but fot to bring good quantity size. He has chosen the pair of shoes, too, want to measure good measure found that the size of the rope, and fot to bring and hurried home to fetch it. And he brought the rope ran back, spread, he was at failed to buy shoes. Others know later said to him: "why not use your own feet and try one on?" He stubbornly said: "I would rather believe that is good size, also don't believe his own feet."

5. 请问,,您会吗 用郑人买履的故事写一篇英文作文

Once upon a time, a man went to the market to buy a pair of shoes but he fot to bring the measurement with him, so he went back home to take it. When he got back, there was no one in the market. People were all gone. Some one asked him,"why didn't you try them on your own feet?" He answered, "I believe in my measurement rather than my feet." How silly this poor man is!。

6. 郑人买履读后感700字

我读了《郑人买履》这篇古文,它的中心也就是主要内容是借用一个宁可相信自己脚的尺码而不相信自己脚的郑人讽刺墨守成规、迷信教条、不尊重客观事实的人. 我之所以这样说是因为在我们的日常生活中有太多太多像这样的人了,只是我们没有注意到而已,比如:爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈等等~~总之是我们的长辈的大部分都是这样的人.举个例子,就像我看过的一个故事叫做《皇历迷》它介绍一个什么事情都看皇历的人,可是到最后这个人差点就死了. 我要告诉你们的是一个人做事不要墨守成规、迷信教条、不尊重客观事实,否则就会像那个皇历迷一样,严重的话可能会死人的,所以我劝你们还是不要墨守成规、迷信教条、不尊重客观事实的好. 今天我看了一个有名的寓言——郑人买履。

“古代郑国有个人想买鞋。 他量了自己的脚做了尺码,却把它忘在家里了。


虽然这是一个简短的故事,但是它向人们讲了一个重要的事情——要相信事实,不要相信假象。 这个郑国人宁愿相信尺码,不相信自己的脚,就意味着愿意相信假象而不肯相信事实。

所以他是个愚人。 在这个寓言里,那个郑国人显得很可笑,但这个寓言正是通过这样的一个滑稽的形象,对人们提出了一个警告。


所以我觉得这个寓言对我们有很好的教育作用。 读了《郑人买履》这篇古文,我心里有了一些想法:有时,我们就像文中的郑人一样,总是忘记一些事情,还有些死记硬背。

我们总是忘记一些虽小,但是对我们来说很重要的事情。 就像郑人一样“至之市而忘操之”。

比如说我吧,在数学卷子上漏写了一个单位名称,就扣掉1分;在英语练习上忘记写一个标点,就会有一个醒目的“X”,在写语文作文时不小心多了一个字,分数就会变得不尽人意······ 对待这种情况,我就要仔仔细细地做题了。做完一道题,就把它再上上下下认认真真地快速浏览一遍,确保没有错误才继续作答。

英语上,我会按照“公式”做填空题,这样基本上就不会错了。 然而,我们做事也不能老是墨守陈规,要灵活多变。

当我碰到一些令我犹豫的题目——那些在我看来要改变公式作答的题目,而我又不知道怎样做才是正确答案的题目时,我总是去像郑人一样“宁信度”地套公式,但是这样换来的是当初“无自信也”的后果----一个“X”。 其实做题的时候,我应该揣摩一下老师出题时的用意:无非是让我们活学活用。



7. 郑人买履读后感


原文:郑人有欲买履者,先自度其足,而置之其坐。至之市而忘操之。已得履,乃曰:“吾忘持度。”反归取之。及反,市罢,遂不得履。人曰:“何不试之以足? ”曰:“宁信度,无自信也。”

译文:有一个想买鞋子的郑国人,他先量好自己的脚的尺码,把它放在了自己的座位上。到了集市后,他忘记带量好的尺码。拿到了鞋子,才说:“我忘记了带量好的尺码。”于是返回去取尺码。等到他返回来的时候,集市已经散了,最终没买到鞋。有人问:“(你)为什么不用脚试试呢?” (他)说:“我宁愿相信量好的尺码,也不相信自己的脚。”


8. “郑人买履”读后感









这个问题肯定关系到我们自己,我们也是这样。比如说,手里拿着自动铅笔做作业,出去喝一杯水后,再返回来, *** 性地发现我们的自动铅笔不见了。找来找去,大喊大叫,问妈妈,妈妈发现了新大陆般:“




9. 谁能帮忙翻译《郑人买履》

Zheng country has to want to buy shoe's person, he at home measured the good oneself foot's measurement first, and has placed the measurement on his seat. He goes hurriedly to the rural fair, has fotten belt that measurement. He already attained the shoe, actually said: “I fot that the belt measurement has e.”Also the extension goes home to take. When he hurries back, the rural fair has dispersed, he has not bought the shoes finally. some people asked that he said: “why don't you try shoe's size with your foot?”He replied: “I rather believe the measurement, also does not believe own foot!”。



Twenty years later is the work of American writer O. Henry.?


Two American youths, Bob and Jimmy Wells, are a pair of very good friends. When Bob wants to start a business in the west, they will meet in Brady Restaurant in Da Qiao, new york 20 years later.?


However, when Bob, who had spent 20 years in the west and was wanted by Chicago police, came to new york to keep his promise, Jimmy, who had been a patrolman in new york, arrested Bob by unexpected means.


The novel reflects the profound changes in all aspects of American social life from the second half of the 19th century to before the First World War through the unexpected changes that took place when the two youths reunited 20 years later.


1. 有关故事的英语作文

Dragon Boat Festival last year. I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to Lin'an by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,my shoes broke. Dad said to me, can't do anything halfway. So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Since then, I've kept these shoes.。

2. 关于故事的英语文章

One day, the boy came back to the tree and looked sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a kid, I don't play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I don't have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited. He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy didn't e back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad. One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “Come and play with me.” The tree said. “I don't have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don't have a house. But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn't appear since then. The tree was again lonely and sad. One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree said. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build the boat. You can sail and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and did not show up for a long time. Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don't have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you.” the tree said. “ I don't have teeth to bite.” The boy replied. “ No more trunk for you to climb on.” “I am too old for that now.” the boy said. “I really want to give you something…the only thing left is my dying roots.” The tree said with tears. “I don't need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied. “Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. Come here, please sit down with me and have a rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and *** iled with tears… This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad… When we grow up, we leave them, and only e to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could to make you happy. You may think that the boy is cruel to the tree but that's how all of us are treating our parents. 很久以前有一棵苹果树。















你能不能给我一条船?” “用我的树干去造一条船,你就能航海了,你会高兴的。”于是,男孩砍倒树干去造船。

他航海去了,很长一段时间未露面。 许多年后男孩终于回来了。


“我没有牙齿啃。” 男孩答到。







男孩坐下了,树很高兴,含泪而笑…… 这是一个发生在每一个人身上的故事。那棵树就像我们的父母。



3. 小故事英语怎么写作文

I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday.It was hot and sunny that day.It took us about o hours to get there by bus.There were thousands of people in the zoo.We saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so on.We also saw the elephant show.The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us.At noon we had a picnic in the zoo.And then we thew the rubbish into the dustbin.We didn't go home until 5:00 in the afternoon.Although we were tired,we felt happy.。

4. 急

答 Nowadays,book has bee indispensable in our lives things.The method of reading the book that people have different views on.

On the one hand,S *** e people think that reading should be a selective reading of it.They select books that they are interested in.The reason is that only select their own favorite way to attract interest in reading the book .What's more,they think the books , both good and bad.Only select their own books that is useful.

On the other hand,some people think we need to read,-well,only this we can know more.Read the book allows us to better understand the world.Sure,this is also to increase our knowledge and broaden our horizons.

In my opinion, I think it should be read selectively.My reasons have a choice of reading in order to improve our efficiency.Some books are not suitable for us.We need to choose the books, they can better help us to study and work there.So,we need to be a selective reading of it.






5. 写一篇关于自己故事的英语作文500字

write an article about the balanced diet position 500 words in english a chinese emperor had a nightingale that kept him very happy day and night. the nightingale sang beautiful songs that kept the emperor in good health and spirit. one day someone gave the emperor mechanical bird as a present.。

6. 关于如何用英语讲中国故事的英语作文

Magic Shot Outside the Military Camp

Yuan Shu sent 100 thousand troops, led by General Ji Ling, to attack Liu Bei. For fear of Lü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand, Yuan wrote Lü a letter, together with many food supplies as gifts, asking him not to help Liu. Liu, on the other hand, wrote lüa letter asking for assistance. “If I remain an onlooker with folded arms,”thought Lü, “I will be in danger after Yuan defeats Liu. But if I help Liu, Yuan will be be resentful to me.” So Lü invited both Liu Bei and Ji Ling to a bqnqet.

Lü sat beeen Liu and Ji at the banquet. After a few rounds of toasts Lü began, “Please grant me a favor by stopping the fight.” When Ji Ling refused, Lu shouted for his long lance to be brought over. Both Liu and Ji got a fright. “I'll stand my lance 150steps away outside the gate. If my arrow hits its edge you o will stop your fight. And if I miss the target you have your own way.” Ji secretly hoped that he would miss the target, while Liu crossed his fingers wished Lu succees. Lü and wine brought up to him. After each one had a cup Lu arched his bow, aimed and shot with a big shout. The arrow flew like lightening toward the target, and hit right on the edge of the lance. A big applause rose from everybody around. Lu dropped his bow and laughed, saying, “You see, even the heavens wish that you stop fighting.” With his excellent archery, Lü averted a fight beeen the o sides.

7. 故事用英语怎么读

story 斯刀瑞 音标不好打,只好跟你用中文注解了


8. 求一篇英语故事作文(带翻译)

I born in a family of four,they are my father ,mother,grandma and grandpa,they are all kind-hearted persons.my mother is a middle school english teacher,she teaches well,and dad is a excellent construction engineer,they appreciate their job and work hard and well.as to my elder sister,she is a junior student now,and she is one of the top students in her grade,by the way,she is so beautiful!

this is my family,a big and happy one.



I live in a warm, harmonious and happy family, father, mother, grandfather, and Nainaidoushifen like me, love me, especially my mother. Wodemamazai Jiedaolishangban responsible for family planning, education, particularly busy. Despite this, mothers day Haiyaoqinzisong Woshangxiaxue, Geiwochuanyifu, 2:08:12, pack their school bags, buckets, laundry socks 。 All in all my life is the mother of all agents. I would like to state that I do not, but my mother did not believe me, Zongshuowoshige children. Babazaijieli Banliaoyigexiao Diyangmaoshanchang, Zhengtianzaiwaimian involved. All in all, I live in a family, it is really my pleasure 我生活在一个温馨、和谐、幸福的家庭,爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶都十分喜欢我、爱我,尤其是妈妈。我的妈妈在街道里上班,具体负责计划生育、教育工作,工作特别忙。尽管这样,妈妈每天还要亲自送我上下学,给我穿衣服、系鞋带、收拾书包、盛饭、洗衣袜……总之我的一切生活都是由妈妈代理。我要声明的是,不是我不做,而是妈妈不相信我,总说我是个孩子。爸爸在家里办了一个小的羊毛衫厂,整天在外面东奔西跑。总而言之,我生活在这样一个家庭里,真是我的荣幸!

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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