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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2024-03-10 18:15:11浏览:17分类:教育知识

锦上添花jǐn shàng tiān huā

[释义] 在锦锻上面又添小绣花。形容好上加好。

[语出] 宋·黄庭坚《了了庵颂》:“又要涪(fú)翁作颂;且图锦上添花。”

[正音] 添;不能读作“tián”。

[辨形] 锦;不能写作“绵”;添;不能写作“填”。

[近义] 精益求精 如虎添翼

[反义] 雪上加霜

[用法] 含褒义。一般作谓语、宾语、补语。

[结构] 偏正式。

[辨析] ~和“如虎添翼”;都有“好上加好”的意思。但“如虎添翼”多表示“使强的更强”;一般用于人(包括其组织);~多表示使“美的更美”;除用于人外;还能用于具体的和抽象的东西;适用范围比“如虎添翼”广得多。

[例句] 八姐这幅画儿;经过九姐一题;越发~了。


『壹』 锦上添花的意思是什么



拼音 jīng yì专 qiú jīng

成语解释: 精:完美;益:属更加,已经好了还要求更加好 。

成语出处: 先秦·孔子《论语·学而》:“《诗》云:‘如切如磋,如琢如磨。’”宋·朱熹注:“言治骨角者,既切之而复磋之;治玉石者,既琢之而复磨之,治之已精,而益求其精也。”


拼音 rú hǔ tiān yì

成语解释: 好象老虎长上了翅膀。比喻强有力的人得到帮助变得更加强有力。

成语出处: 清·西周生《醒世姻缘传》第63回:“那尤氏亦因没了薛教授的禁持,信口的把个女儿教道,教得个女儿如虎添翼一般,那里听薛夫人的解劝。”

『贰』 成语锦上添花是什么意思



[释义自] 在锦锻上面又添小绣花。形容好上加好。

[语出] 宋·黄庭坚《了了庵颂》:“又要涪(fú)翁作颂;且图锦上添花。”

[正音] 添;不能读作“tián”。

[辨形] 锦;不能写作“绵”;添;不能写作“填”。

[近义] 精益求精 如虎添翼

[反义] 雪上加霜

[用法] 含褒义。一般作谓语、宾语、补语。

[结构] 偏正式。

[辨析] ~和“如虎添翼”;都有“好上加好”的意思。但“如虎添翼”多表示“使强的更强”;一般用于人(包括其组织);~多表示使“美的更美”;除用于人外;还能用于具体的和抽象的东西;适用范围比“如虎添翼”广得多。

[例句] 八姐这幅画儿;经过九姐一题;越发~了。

[英译] makesth。evenbetter

『叁』 锦上添花类似的成语

锦上添花的近义词 :





如虎添翼 [rú hǔ tiān yì]

基本释义权 详细释义



出 处


『肆』 类似“锦上添花”的成语有哪些


拼音: rú hǔ tiān yì

解释: 好像老虎长上了翅膀。比喻强有力的人得到帮助变得更加强有力。

出处: 三国·蜀·诸葛亮《心书·兵机》:“将能执兵之权,操兵之势,而临群下,臂如猛虎加之羽翼,而翱翔四海。”


拼音: xuě zhōng sòng tàn

解释: 在下雪天给人送炭取暖。比喻在别人急需时给以物质上或精神上的帮助。

出处: 宋·范成大《大雪送炭与芥隐》诗:“不是雪中须送炭,聊装风景要诗来。”


拼音: rú yú dé shuǐ

解释: 好像鱼得到水一样。比喻有所凭借。也比喻得到跟自己十分投合的人或对自己很合适的环境。

出处: 《三国志·蜀书·诸葛亮传》:“孤之有孔明,犹鱼之有水也。”


拼音: huà lóng diǎn jīng

解释: 原形容梁代画家张僧繇作画的神妙。后多比喻写文章或讲话时,在关键处用几句话点明实质,使内容生动有力。

出处: 唐·张彦远《历代名画记·张僧繇》:“金陵安乐寺四白龙不点眼睛,每云:‘点睛即飞去。’人以为妄诞,固请点之。须臾,雷电破壁,两龙乘云腾去上天,二龙未点眼者见在。”


拼音: jīng yì qiú jīng

解释: 精:完美,好;益:更加。好了还求更好。

出处: 《论语·学而》:“《诗》云:‘如切如磋,如琢如磨。’其斯之谓与?”宋·朱熹注:“言治骨角者,既切之而复磋之;治玉石者,既琢之而复磨之,治之已精,而益求其精也。”

『伍』 锦上添花是成语吗

雪中送碳不行,锦上添花是指别人好的时候你献上更好的点缀,雪中送炭是别人困难的时候送去温暖,差别很大哦精益求精、如虎添翼 就可以了,都是好了加好,美上添美的意思反义词可以用:雪上加霜

『陆』 锦上添花,大显身手,川流不息等成语的主要意思

锦上添花 (jǐn shàng tiā制n huā)


大显身手 (dà xiǎn shēn shǒu)


川流不息 (chuān liú bù xī)


眼急手快 (yǎn jí shǒu kuài)


辗转反侧 (zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè)


惊慌失措 (jīng huāng shī cuò)


『柒』 成语锦上添花的梗概


拼音 jǐn shàng tiān huā

简拼 jsth

近义词 精益求精、如虎添回翼

反义词 雪上加霜

感 *** 答彩 中性词

成语结构 偏正式

成语解释 在锦上再绣花。比喻好上加好,美上添美

成语出处 宋·黄庭坚《了了庵颂》:“又要涪翁作颂,且图锦上添花。”

成语用法 偏正式;作谓语、宾语、补语;含褒义

例子 命穷时镇日价河头卖水,运来时一朝的锦上添花。(明·康海《中山狼》第一的)

英文翻译 make sth. even better

歇后语 花绸子上绣牡丹

谜语 刺绣

成语正音 添,不能读作“tián”。

成语辩形 锦,不能写作“绵”;添,不能写作“填”。

成语辩析 锦上添花和“如虎添翼”;都有“好上加好”的意思。但“如虎添翼”多表示“使强的更强”;一般用于人(包括其组织);锦上添花多表示使“美的更美”;除用于人外;还能用于具体的和抽象的东西;适用范围比“如虎添翼”广得多。

『捌』 和锦上添花意思差不多的成语有哪些


『玖』 与"锦上添花"意思相对的成语是什么


『拾』 跟“锦上添花”有相同意思的成语有哪些



成语: 锦上添花 拼音: jǐn shàng tiān huā

解释: 锦:有彩色花纹的丝织品。在锦上再绣花。比喻好上加好,美上添美。


成语: 画龙点睛 拼音: huà lóng diǎn jīng

解释: 原形容梁代画家张僧繇作画的神妙。后多比喻写文章或讲话时,在关键处用几句话点明实质,使内容生动有力。

成语: 如虎添翼 拼音: rú hǔ tiān yì

解释: 好像老虎长上了翅膀。比喻强有力的人得到帮助变得更加强有力。


如虎添翼 [ rú hǔ tiān yì ] 基本解释 好像老虎长上了翅膀。比喻强有力的人得到帮助变得更加强有力。

详细解释 1. 解释:好像老虎长上了翅膀。比喻强有力的人得到帮助变得更加强有力。

2. 出自:三国·蜀·诸葛亮《心书·兵机》:“将能执兵之权,操兵之势,而临群下,臂如猛虎加之羽翼,而翱翔四海。”

3. 示例:因为匪徒们深知,这两件东西一掌握在姜青山手里,就~,再多的人也奈何不了他。 ◎曲波《林海雪原》二七

雪中送炭 [ xuě zhōng sòng tàn ] 基本解释 在下雪天给人送炭取暖。比喻在别人急需时给以物质上或精神上的帮助。

详细解释 1. 解释:在下雪天给人送炭取暖。比喻在别人急需时给以物质上或精神上的帮助。

2. 出自:宋·范成大《大雪送炭与芥隐》诗:“不是雪中须送炭,聊装风景要诗来。”

济困扶危 [ jì kùn fú wēi ] 基本解释 济、扶:帮助。救济贫困的人,扶助有危难的人。

详细解释 1. 解释:济、扶:帮助。救济贫困的人,扶助有危难的人。

2. 出自:元·郑廷玉《楚昭公》第三折:“一个报冤仇称了子胥,一个打赌赛去了包胥,何处也济困扶危重复楚。”

暗室逢灯 [ àn shì féng dēng ] 基本解释 比喻在危难或困惑中,忽然遇人援救或指点引导。

详细解释 1. 解释:比喻在危难或困惑中,忽然遇人援救或指点引导。

2. 出自:《野叟曝言》十回:“天幸遇著相公,如暗室逢灯,绝渡逢舟,从此读书作文,俱可望有门径矣!”

3. 语法:紧缩式;作谓语;比喻在绝处得到别人的帮助或指导



People are indifferent, the world is , usually the icing on the cake, but few people are willing to send charcoal in the snow.


I think his praise is so much that I don't need to add to it.


When I was still in an official position, I didn't know how many people were adding to it. Now, after I retire, although there is an emergency, no one has ever heard of it.


The most touching thing is not icing on the cake, but sending coals in the snow. The most beautiful *** ile is not tears, but the sweetest *** ile. The most sincere blessing is not to rush to the back, but to send it on New Year's Day: I wish you a happy holiday!


On the perfect day, I'll give you a pair of "perfect tonic pill", which can fill your lack, increase your need, and make the best of the situation. Wish you a safe, healthy, happy, auspicious and happy life!


It's said that you are busy all week, and the effect is very good. You are dedicated to running your family, and the leaders value it. You need to give awards, your family is satisfied, and praise you. It's not far for you to go on holiday. Australia, you need to pay more. Have a good weekend!


Your dress is very beautiful. If you can stick the brooch on it, it will be the icing on the cake.


I think it's more precious to give help when others need it.


We should try our best to make our work better.


It is sad that most people in this society will only do the things that add to the cake, while few people will do the things that deliver carbon in the snow.


This couplet is really icing on the cake when it is hung in this magnificent hall.


Your dress is very beautiful. If you can stick the brooch on it, it will be the icing on the cake.


Properly interspersed with comments in narrative will often make the article more colorful.



Just after the completion of the new house, the news came that my daughter had been admitted to university. It's a double happiness. It's icing on the cake!


Love without icing on the cake is so real.


It is sad that most people in this society will only do the things that add to the cake, while few people will do the things that deliver carbon in the snow.


On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, happiness blooms, charming looks like flowers, career is like fireworks, worry is like Epiphyllum, and happiness is like a hundred flowers. I wish you a happy journey and a happy life! Happy Laba!


We don't have to be inseparable, but we must cherish each other's hearts; we don't have to add to the cake, but we have to give it in time; we don't have to contact often, but we have to worry about it all the time!


To be a friend is not necessarily to compare power with position, but to promise with sincerity; not necessarily to be inseparable, but always to communicate information; not necessarily to add to the cake, but to send rice in hunger; not necessarily to meet often, but to have you in mind!


The beautiful white dress is embroidered with *** all and exquisite bows and gorgeous lace, just like icing on the cake.


You give hope to the loser, you give a drink to the winner, you are not good at adding to the cake, you are only keen on sending coals in the snow. You are the living Lei Feng of the new era. You never leave your name when you do feature writing. You only publish in the newspaper news. Happy press day!


This couplet is really icing on the cake when it is hung in this magnificent hall.


This building is a real icing on the cake for this residential area.


Properly interspersed with comments in narrative will often make the article more colorful.


It's better to understand that the icing on the cake is more important.


Happy birthday to you! Your talent makes the world a better place. May this day belong to you and bring you happiness. May the future be more beautiful!


Bright and clean, bright and fresh, happy New Year's arrival; happiness lingers for a long time, and wealth is unstoppable; firecrackers are playing together, and eating dumplings is a blessing for a long life; sending a blessing to express one's mind, adding to the happiness: I wish you good luck in your new year and happiness in every step!


However, if the child can be trained to be both knowledgeable and pure, the result is icing on the cake.


He likes to send coals in the snow rather than add to the cake.


His doing so is undoubtedly a icing on the cake for the event.


Icing on the cake: we already have a TV set at home, and now we have a computer. It's icing on the cake.


The so-called meaning of a friend is nothing but the added excitement.


I think his praise is so much that I don't need to add to it.


At present, Jinyun square with an area of ten thousand square meters has been built, and a new school of culture first place and Chaoyang primary school is being built. The most prosperous Jialing style pedestrian street and four-star hot spring resort hotel are being built in Beibei, and elegant and comfortable noble communities are being built to add to the picturesque Beibei.


This couplet is really icing on the cake when it is hung in this magnificent hall.


The picture of eight elder sisters, after nine elder sisters, is more and more perfect.


As the old saying goes, the heat belongs to the gold. It's the gold spirit of the summer vacation. It's quietly sent to you. I hope you can make progress in business, eat with relish, exercise with vigor and vitality, and do things better. Finally, it's a dream.


Power is a man's best coat, and money is a gilded mink coat.


Women's day to text, to women half day. Work never slacks off. Family members are called virtuous. Today's festival comes to you, let go of your work and have a rest. Happy mood and good spirit, zaojv. Add to the cake. Com. I wish you a happy holiday!


We should try our best to make our work better.


I wish you a happy birthday, your kindness makes the world a better place, I wish this day belongs to you completely to bring you happiness, I wish the future days will be more beautiful!


This new teaching building in our school is equipped with advanced audio-visual equipment, which is really icing on the cake!


I have been studying hard for several years in the examination room, and I am calm and calm; I have enough energy to answer questions carefully, and I can overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties; I have created a new chapter of the flower chart with a wonderful pen, and my talent has greatly expanded; I am here to send my blessing, and I am here to add to the beauty. On the national college entrance examination day, I wish you the best and success!


New year is coming, I buy out the blessing exclusively, let the happiness broadcast frequently for you, the happiness continuously rolling broadcast, the good luck rebroadcast for you in turn, the health keeps broadcasting all the time, the broadcast can not finish the blessing of new year, I wish you all the best.


Auspicious wealth, more than a year, flowers like brocade, gold and jade, fortune and longevity, icing on the cake, four seasons of peace!


He likes to send coals in the snow rather than add to the cake.


The most touching thing is not icing on the cake, but sending coals in the snow; the most beautiful *** ile is not tears, but the sweetest *** ile; the most real blessing is not the new year's first, but the last day. I wish you a *** ile every year!

他是 *** 要员,平时就已是门庭若市,此次寿宴还怕没有锦上添花的人前去道贺?

He is an important member of the government, and usually he is very popular. I'm afraid that people who don't have the icing on the cake will go to the birthday party to congratulate him?


The picture of eight elder sisters, after nine elder sisters, is more and more perfect.


On New Year's day, every family is happy; singing and dancing make them happy; hanging lanterns and setting off firecrackers make them happy; meeting relatives and friends, sending blessings, and adding to their happiness. Wish you a happy New Year!


Perfect October 10, wish you work perfect, love perfect, health perfect, happy perfect! In such a day to send you a blessing message, only wish your happiness to add to the cake!


His writing is very beautiful and his writing is also beautiful. It's really icing on the cake!


成语: 雪上加霜 拼音: xuě shàng jiā shuāng

解释: 比喻接连遭受灾难,损害愈加严重。

出处: 宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十九:“饶你道有什么事,犹是头上着头,雪上加霜。”

成语: 祸不单行 拼音: huò bù dān xíng

解释: 祸:灾难。指不幸的事接二连三地发生。

出处: 汉·刘向《说苑·权谋》:“此所谓福不重来,祸必重来者也。”

成语: 福无双至 拼音: fú wú shuāng zhì

解释: 指幸运的事不会接连到来。

出处: 汉·刘向《说苑·权谋》:“此所谓福不重至,祸必重来者也。”

成语: 落井下石 拼音: luò jǐng xià shí

解释: 看见人要掉进陷井里,不伸手救他,反而推他下去,又扔下石头。比喻乘人有危难时加以陷害。

成语: 乘人之危 拼音: chéng rén zhī wēi

解释: 乘人家危难的时候去威胁损害。

出处: 《后汉书·盖勋传》:“谋事杀良,非忠也;乘人之危,非仁也。”

成语: 乘虚而入 拼音: chéng xū ér rù

解释: 乘:趁。趁着虚弱疏漏的地方进入。

出处: 宋·张君房《去笈七签》卷一二0:“将至所居,自后垣乘虚而入,径及庭中。”

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