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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2024-03-13 21:19:19浏览:15分类:教育知识

1、Discovering a designer dress on the clearance rack can be considered a peak life experience。情迷设计师服饰对清理架可算是一个高峰的生活经验

2、I like the styles that are trendy but not too sexy.我喜欢流行的但又不太性感的款式。

3、His views vary constantly just like the variable weather.他的观点像多变的天气一样变化无常。

4、Avoid black and baggy shapes.避免穿着黑色且肥大的式样。

5、Here, there's no rhyme or reason to it.在这里,不存在什么和谐或者原因。

6、So the idea of having a shirt robust enough to last more than one season is very attractive.因此,如果有足够结实的衬衫能穿一季以上,那这个想法将是非常有吸引力的。

7、The idea of using a signature scent as a brand identifier has been slow to catch on outside the fashion industry.相对于时尚业来说,利用标志性香水作为品牌鉴别物的办法一直都不太流行。


8、I fall for his writings, because they fall in with my taste.我极喜爱他的作品,因为它们合我的口味。

9、The youth should keep up with the changes in fashion.年轻人要跟上时尚的变化。


Fashion has an insatiable appetite for change, for the new and for the innovative. Anything goes, as long as it's exciting.时尚是永无止境的变化中,只要让我们能从中感到兴奋就可以。

11、Don't change your style to "fit in" with a group, or to get someone's attention, do it for yourself, to make yourself feel and look better!不要是为了”融入'一个群体,或获得别人注意力而去改变风格,为是为自己而改变,让自己感觉、看上去更好!

12、Michelle Obama, who has achieved celebrity status and has wowed the world as a fashion icon, made the list for the first time.已跻身名流之列的米歇尔?奥巴马首次登上该榜,她以其时尚品味让全世界为之倾倒。

13、If you wear clothes that don't suit you, you're a fashion victim.如果你穿了不适合自己的衣服,那你就只是个时尚的奴隶。

14、For the true fashionista, even a girl's pajamas must be stylish.对于真正的时尚女人,哪怕是睡衣,都要别具风格。

To be a fashionista, you should keep up with the trends but remember to always be you.要成为时尚达人,你应该随时紧跟时尚,并且记住做自己


1、It does not take a lot of strength to hang on,it takes a lot of strength to let go。?


2、We are all in the gutter,but some of us are looking at the stars。


3、Fashion is not about utility。


4、Every day,a new adventure。That’s my motto。


5、Being with you is the only way I could have a full and happy life。


6、You’re never wrong to do the right thing。


鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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