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get to和arrive at和reach的区别

作者:百变鹏仔日期:2024-03-23 15:14:31浏览:11分类:文字大全

get to有三种用法,arrive有两种结构,reach强调“够得到”。

get to的三种用法分别是:

(1)get to 后面可以接动词。如:

Tom gets to see Jerry. 汤姆来看杰利。

(2)get to 可以表示到达某种程度:

Jerry's English gets to Get 4. 杰利的英语水平达到四级。

(3)get to做到达某地的意思时,相当于arrive at.

Tom gets to airports in good time. 汤姆早早地赶到机场。

arrive的两种结构是arrive at和arrive in。

到达小地方,用arrive at。到达大地方用arrive in。

如:Tom arrives at the shop. 汤姆到店了。

Tom arrives in Beijing.汤姆到北京了。


Can you reach the box?你能拿得到那个箱子吗?

有时也相当于arrive at,如:

Tom reachs the town. 汤姆到了小镇。

别外,reach也可以表示到达什么程度,相当于get to,如:

The water level in Lake Taihu has reached record levels. 太湖水位达到了历史最高值。

A few days ago,my wife and I (thought to visit 要改为 were thinking of visiting) her sister,but we didn't phone her in advance. it is(was

已过去) 7 PM, (要加 when) we aeeived(arrived at) hers house and i knocked (要加 on)the door.my wife's sister opened her door (the moment she got a surprise 这里要重写为: 为: and she was surprised!). "we are coming for play ma-jong(Mahjong)" I said.

actually,we don't usually play ma-jong (Mahjong).even we play,we just frequently (应该用: usually) play with my wife's kinsam(是 kinship family) and we rarely play it with other people.

" Do you collect(have) some change for ma-jong (Mahjong)" my wife's sister asked."don't repeat" I answered "you (even did no 改为 don't even) need to ask "

during that night,my wife (always got 改为 was very) (luckly 改为 lucky).she won (all)the money (from) all of us (that 改为 ,which 要注意which 之前有信逗号)) she never did. because she is not as good at playing as others .her sister's husbend (husband) said "what a marvellous night ! I never lose(用 lost) so much “

The table which we played was towards(用 facing) the window of (the) living room. when the early hours of the morning ,i looked out of the window,I saw the snow was (beging 要写成: begining to fall). it was (softly, I almost sleeped 应改写为 : so gentle and soft, which made me feeling sleepy) ,I guess that (was) why I lose(lost) (可 以 去掉money).


get to和arrive at和reach的区别


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