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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2024-06-18 04:24:14浏览:4分类:文字大全



cover the locals采访本地人 local造句 He dabbles in local politics.local怎么造句子?他开始涉足地方政坛。I could call the local doctor.我可以给当地医生打电话。Police suspect a local gang.警方怀疑当地的一个不良帮派。We downed bottles of local wine.我们喝了好几瓶本地酒。

local造句是I booked my holiday through my local travel agent。造句 造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。

adaptation to local condition。造句如下:学习外地经验,绝不能生搬硬套,而要因地制宜。农民常因地制宜,种植适合当地风土的作物。所以,处置方法也是因地制宜的。居高临下的看杭州西湖的美景,local怎么造句子?你会发现每一处无不是因地制宜别具匠心,让人迷醉,这是一种何等的闲情逸致啊。

宴席的英文造句如下:At The Local Banquets, He Drank And Sang With The Local People.宴席上他一同饮酒、歌唱。Cook A Polynesian Feast Or An Ancient Roman Banquet.做一桌波里尼西亚宴席或古罗马盛宴。


He is famous for his fine acting.他以演技精湛著称。 New York is famous for its skyscrapers.纽约以其摩天大楼著称。 President Lincoln was born poor.林肯总统出身贫寒。 He was invited to be** e president of the local camera club.他被邀请担任本地摄影俱乐部的主席。


May my family and my friends live in peace and harmony throughout the New Year.愿我的家人和朋友在新的一年里生活平安、和睦。Buildings were destroyed, and paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground.大楼被摧毁了,破碎的绘画和塑像散落在地上。

We produce every kinds of brushes.我司生产各种规格的画笔。The book was produced on a very small budget.这本书的出版费用预算很低。Do you know who invent the telephone?你知道谁发明了电话吗?Hes a real person, not invented in a dream.确有其人,他不是梦中虚构的。

A little girl looks as beautiful as a flower。


,the missing of my pet makes me very sad.我的宠物丢了,使我很伤心2,the teacher makes us to do the assignment.老师让我们做作业3,dad spends his spare time watching football games.爸爸闲暇的时候看足球比赛。4,dogs should kept out of the bus.狗不应该被 带上公交。

We must absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们必须吸取对我们有用的一切经验。We should absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们应该吸取对我们有益的经验.Many childless couples adopt children.许多无孩子的夫妇收养孩子。

The boy is good at doing a sum in his head.这男孩善于心算。From now on, I must practise hard.从现在开始,我必须刻苦练习。Maria all of a sudden came by the door.玛丽亚忽然传来了门。i will try my best to make you happy.我努力使你快乐。

用local和re** mend造句

re** mend造句如下:How easy it is to re** mend joy to those who cannot be joyful。向那些不能快乐的人推荐快乐是多么容易啊。Which type would you re** mend。你推荐哪 种。I re** mend (that) he see a lawyer。我建议他去找个律师。I dont re** mend using them。

re** mend sb for sth,re** mend sb as re** mend 及物动词 句型:something has much/little/nothing to re** mend it 用法used to say that something has many, few, or no good qualities: 用来描述品质或质量 1 推荐。介绍。


re** mend sb sth = re** mend sth to sb: 向某人推荐(建议,介绍) 某物。如:He re** mends us this cellphone / this cellphone to us. re** mend sb for / as sth向某人推荐(举荐,介绍)某物; re** mend sth for( doing)sth 推荐某物做某事。

re** mend vt.推荐, 介绍 劝告, 建议 使可接受; 使受欢迎; 使成为可取 托(付); 交付 re** mend to try a new medicine 建议试服一种新药 re** mend a child to sb.把小孩子托给某人照管 Your plan has very little to re** mend it.你的计划几乎毫无可取之处。


。She took an aspirin to relieve her headache.她吃了一片阿斯匹灵以解头痛。We toured France about three years ago.我们大约三年前去法国游玩过。I have never seen her since her father fell sick of a serious illness.自从她父亲生重病后,我就再也没有见过她。

Miss Brown has just been to Japan twice. 布朗小姐就到日本去过两次。3Have you (ever)been to the Great Walllocal怎么造句子??你去(曾经)过长城吗?4Mr Brown has been in Shanghai for three days. 布朗先生来上海已经三天了。5I have been here since I began to work. 我工作以来一直呆在这儿。

have...in ** mon with sb I have a lot in ** mon with you in diet.我和你在饮食(习惯)上有很多共同点。

There is going to be a meeting tonight.今晚有个会议。There was a knock at the door.有人敲门。There are six chairs in my room.在我local怎么造句子?的房间里有六把椅子。There has been a girl waiting for you.有个女孩一直在等你。There will be rain soon.不久天就要下雨了。


I must take my leave. 我一定要离开了 I must leave for school. 我一定要离开去学校了 Lets get on with the work. 继续工作吧。Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧。

nasty weather The pi** ic was spoiled by the nasty weather.野餐被恶劣的天气所破坏。extremely This task is extremely difficult.这项任务极其困难。

There are fifteen apple at the table.桌子上有十五个苹果。Im sixteen years old.我十六岁了Men and women of eighteen and above have the right to vote.年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票权。

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