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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2024-06-21 20:40:28浏览:3分类:文字大全



音标:英 [g] 美 [go]例句:She will have to go to school 她将不得不去上学。Theres a mountain road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook Village.有一条山路从布莱尔斯敦通向米尔布鲁克村。

go的o的音标是:[u]。go 英 [ɡ],美 [ɡo]v. 去;离开;变得;进行 n. 去;尝试;精力;一举 例句:We ll go for a walk if you feel like it.翻译:你愿意的话,咱们就去散散步。

go的音标为 /ɡo/。Go是一个常用的英语动词,表示移动或前往某个地方,也可以表示进行某个活动或采取某个行动。以下是go的一些常见用法:表示移动或前往某个地方,例如:Im going to the store.(我要去商店。);Lets go to the park.(我们去公园吧。

go的音标英[ɡ]美[ɡo],意思是去;进行;尝试。go造句 Things go well—until two weeks later when your tendo start to throb.情况似乎不错──直到两星期后你的韧带开始隐隐悸动。


He fells that we should go.他认为我们该走了。I let them go out lest I should be bothered.我让他们去了外边,免得他们打扰我。He jollied her along until she agreed to go with him.他把她哄得高高兴兴地同意跟他一道去了。I go far to my work.我上班走很远的路。

The car has just gone.汽车刚开走。 Ill have to go today.今天我必须走。 This machine goes by steam.这台机器是由蒸汽驱动的。 They went to New York for their holiday.他们去纽约度假。

I go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去学校 。I go to school on foot.我步行去学校。

Today, we go to the spring outing 我们今天去春游了。Tomorrow Im going to my grandmothers house 明天我要去外婆家玩。Today I went to the park with my friends 今天我跟朋友去了公园。The teacher told us to do the experiment 老师叫我们去做实验。


He will go fishing tomorrow.明天他要去钓鱼。He goes on a pi** ic every Sunday.他每周天都去野餐。play两句:He plays football every day.他每天踢足球。We play basketball after school.我们放学后打篮球。do两句:He does Kungfu very well.他练武功很棒。

go的音标英[ɡ]美[ɡo],意思是去;进行;尝试。go造句 Things go well—until two weeks later when your tendo start to throb.情况似乎不错──直到两星期后你的韧带开始隐隐悸动。


The weeks go so quickly.这几周很快没go怎么造句简单?了。Two days has gone.两天很快没有了。

go back to schoolgo怎么造句简单?: The girl was excited because she could now go back to school.有个女孩非常的兴奋因为她可以回学校上学了。be sleepy: I guess I'go怎么造句简单?;ll just have to pay the price and be sleepy.我想我付出的代价是整天都没精打彩。

He fells that we should go.他认为我们该走了。I let them go out lest I should be bothered.我让他们去了外边go怎么造句简单?,免得他们打扰我。He jollied her along until she agreed to go with him.他把她哄得高高兴兴地同意跟他一道去了。I go far to my work.我上班走很远的路。

I cant go without my parents permission.没有我父母的允许我不能去的。I would rather go without than put up with.汇总的真好,这会节省我们很多时间,感谢!Smokers cannot go without cigarettes even a day.吸烟者哪怕一天没有香烟都不行。

A bomb went off in the theater.一颗炸弹在剧院里爆炸了。2.leave suddenly(突然)离走 They went off without telling us.他们走时没有告诉我们。She went off in a bad temper.她怒气冲冲地走了。


1、The car has just gone.汽车刚开走。 Ill have to go today.今天我必须走。 This machine goes by steam.这台机器是由蒸汽驱动的。 They went to New York for their holiday.他们去纽约度假。

2、He fells that we should go.他认为我们该走了。I let them go out lest I should be bothered.我让他们去了外边go怎么造句简单?,免得他们打扰我。He jollied her along until she agreed to go with him.他把她哄得高高兴兴地同意跟他一道去了。I go far to my work.我上班走很远的路。

3、Today the weather was so hotgo怎么造句简单?, so I decided to go swimming 今天天气真热,所以我决定去游泳。

4、I usually go to bed at 我通常在9点睡觉。I go for a walk everyday我每天都散步。I go home at 5 oclock.或直接I go home at 我5点回家。Lets gogo怎么造句简单?!让我们走吧 !I usually go to school by bike.我经常骑自行车去学校 I go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去学校 。

5、go的音标英[ɡ]美[ɡo],意思是去;进行;尝试。go造句 Things go well—until two weeks later when your tendo start to throb.情况似乎不错──直到两星期后你的韧带开始隐隐悸动。


1、I'go怎么造句简单?;ll have to go today.今天我必须走。 This machine goes by steam.这台机器是由蒸汽驱动的。 They went to New York for their holiday.他们去纽约度假。

2、He fells that we should go.他认为我们该走了。I let them go out lest I should be bothered.我让他们去了外边go怎么造句简单?,免得他们打扰我。He jollied her along until she agreed to go with him.他把她哄得高高兴兴地同意跟他一道去了。I go far to my work.我上班走很远的路。

3、昨晚我突然被噪音惊醒go怎么造句简单?,然后我回去睡觉了。Seeing the accident ,he went away quickly .看见了那场事故,他快速离开了。The light went off yesterday because of the storm.昨天灯因为暴风雨而熄灭了。I dont know how I can go throught the awful days.我不知道该怎样度过那些糟糕的日子。

4、go for a walk是 动词词组; 翻译go怎么造句简单?:散步。词组的结构:不及物动词go加上介词短语构成。go的过去式:went;现在分词/动名词:going;过去分词:gone;三单形式:goes。

5、I usually go to bed at 我通常在9点睡觉。I go for a walk everyday我每天都散步。I go home at 5 oclock.或直接I go home at 我5点回家。Lets gogo怎么造句简单?!让我们走吧 !I usually go to school by bike.我经常骑自行车去学校 I go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去学校 。

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